If you get errors in the application eventlog with ID 1116 — Printer auto-creation failure. Reason: AddPrinter() failed with status 0x706, it’s because the print processor is missing for some reason, in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows x64\Print Processors\
In my case it was the “Citrix Print Processor” that was missing. The key has to be created manually and has to contain a string named “Driver” and the value has to be the name of the .dll, in this case “cpproc.dll“, as you can see in my example below
If it’s HP, Minolta or anything else, the name and value can be different. Compare it with a working server, to get the correct result. After creating the registry-key, the Print Spooler Service has to be restarted.